Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Eton Hall 26Jan14

From Danny

Last week I reported sighting of a single Crested Serpent Eagle over Eton Hall off AYE. Today, a shrill call drew my attention to the tall mostly bare tree within Eton Hall compound and locate this juvenile Crested Goshawk, back to car for my camera to take a few shots before it bended fwd and flew off with a loud shrill call, then a second Goshawk, a larger bird, likely adult female to my surprise took off from the same tree. I did not realise there were two raptors. About half an hour later both raptors returned and circled for a while, clearly a larger female and juvenile CG.

Juvenile Crested Goshawk

Adult Crested Goshawk

In between waiting a pair of CHE flew in and gave an aerial courtship display, highly entertaining but I didn't manage any aerial shots. I have been sighting CG around the area stretching from Mt Faber, Earth Trail, wooded area opp. Bukit Chermin over to Kent Ridge and Alexandra Hospital area. Finally, today confirmation of successful breeding.

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