Changi, Bidadari, Pulau Punggol 24Nov12
From JS
Here's the summary of the raptors seen during our morning birding at Changi:
1) Black Baza (>20, including a flock of at least 20 birds perched on the casuarina trees)
2) Common Buzzard (>2 - we counted two birds performing their runway sentry duties
but there may have been another individual hunting inside Changi.
Since we only saw a maximum of 2 at any given time,
I suppose one individual could have skived inside Changi before returning to its duty.)
3) Oriental Honey Buzzard (>2 - our highest count for any given time was the 3 birds
(an adult dark morph and 2 juvenile pale morph) thermalling in the sky together with 2 Brahminy Kites.
Subsequently, we had another sighting of an adult dark morph. May be the same bird, so we will stick to 3 birds seen.)
4) Unid raptor (3, might be Jerdon's Bazas)
5) Chinese Sparrowhawk (>3, including 1 juvenile male)
6) Accipiter (2)
7) Brahminy Kite (2)
8) Black-winged Kite (>2)
9) Changeable Hawk Eagle (>2)
Juvenile pale morph OHB
Juvenile pale morph OHB with immature Brahminy Kite
Juvenile pale morph OHB with adult male dark morph OHB
1 of 3 unid raptors (Jerdon's Baza?)
From KH
After Changi, Danny sent JS to Bugis. Danny joined Yamane and I at Bidadari
for the Oriental Cuckoo hunt. We did not see it, but got a juvenile Ferruginous
Flycatcher, 1 first-winter male Mugimaki Flycatcher, 1 Asian Paradise
Flycatcher, some Ashy Minivets, some Arctic Warblers, 2 Indian Cuckoos, 1 Drongo
Cuckoo, 1 Black Baza, 1 OHB and the other common birds.
After Bidadari, Danny
and I went to Pulau Punggol. The raptors seen were 1 Osprey, 3 Black Bazas, 2
WBSEs, 3 Brahminy Kites and a calling CHE. At the freshwater pond were 2 Grey
Wagtail, 1 Little Ringed Plover, 1 Wood Sandpiper, 5 Common Sandpipers, 5 snipes, 1 Intermediate Egret, 2 Little Egrets.
From Yamane
Here's the summary of the birds seen during my birding in Singapore.
22 Nov. Thu.
1. JLN Tenaga 8:30~9:00
1) Black-naped Oriole
2) Spotted Dove
3) Common Myna
4) Brown-throated Sunbird
5) Eurasian Tree-Sparrow
24 Nov. Sat.
1. Changi 7:00~10:00 cloudy
Danny, Jia Sheng, Kok Hui, Alan, Lim Kim Keang, Alfred Chia, Yamane
1) Collared Kingfisher (voice)
2) Lesser Coucal
3) Swiftlet sp.
4) Spotted Dove
5) Black Baza
6) Oriental Honey Buzzard
7) Common Buzzard
8) Black-winged Kite
9) Brahminy Kite
10) Chinese Sparrowhawk
11) Changeable Hawk Eagle
12) House Crow
13) Black-naped Oriole
14) Ashy Minivet
15) Pied Fantail
16) Crow-billed Drongo
17) White-shouldered Starling
18) Purple-backed Starling
19) Red-whiskered Bulbul
20) Yellow-vented Bulbul
21) Zitting Cisticola
22) Common Goldenback at the carpark #7.
2.Bidadari 11:00~12:30 cloudy
Danny, Kok Hui, Yamane, Rey Aguila, Wong Lee Hong, Ding Li, other many birders & photographers
1) Dollarbird
2) Indian Cuckoo
3) Drongo Cuckoo
4) Black Baza
5) Oriental Honey Buzzard
6) Black-naped Oriole
7) Ashy Minivet
8) Asian Paradise Flycatcher
9) Mugimaki Flycatcher
10) Ferruginous Flycatcher
25 Nov. Sun. 14:00~ rainy
1) Oriental Cuckoo